Trademark registration in Laos

Laos is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) since January 1995, of the Paris Convention for Protection of Industrial Property since October 1998 and of the PCT (Patent) since June 2006.

1. Legal basis

– The 2007 Intellectual property law;

– Regulation on Registration of Trademark, No. 466/STEA-PMO, dated 7, March 2002;

– Prime Minister’s Decree on Trademark, No. 06/PM, dated 18, Jan 1995.

2. Requisite documents

– A notarized Power of Attorney;

– 18 trademark specimens (the size of each specimen is not smaller than 50mm x 50mm and not larger than 80mm x 80mm);

– Listed of goods or/and services for registering.

3. Average time to register a trademark: 5-6 months

4. Term of trademark protection: 10 years

Please contact us for more information:

Tel: (84) 4 3224 2476
