Trademark registration in Australia

To protect your business name from being used by someone else, you can register it as a trade mark. A registered trade mark under the Trade Marks Act 1995 gives you the exclusive legal right to use, license and sell your intellectual asset in Australia. The owner of a trade mark can apply for its registration.

1. Requisite documents:

– Power of Attorney;

– Application form, Claims and abstract;

– Specification;

– Other related document.

2.Time frame

– Application examination: 3-4 months from the filing date.

– Meeting requirement: 15 months from the date of the examiner’s first report to meet any requirements identified by the examiner and to have an application accepted by the registrar.

Particularly, If a trade mark application is accepted, it will be notified the applicant in writing. The trade mark will then be advertised as ‘accepted’ for a period of two months, after which it will be registered.

If the applicant gets an adverse examination report, the applicant will have 15 months from the date of the report to get the application accepted. This means the applicant haves 15 months to respond and have the examiner consider your response/s. This could result in acceptance of the application

Please contact us for more information

Tel: (84) 4 3224 2476
