Technical testing and analysis services (CPC 8676)

Legal basis

  • Decree 140/2007 of the Government dated 5 September 2007 guiding the Commercial law regarding conditions for engaging in logistic services business, and limitations on liability of logistic services business entities (“Decree 140/2007”).

Investment conditions


  • No limitation, except where Vietnam allows private suppliers access to a sector previously closed to private sector competition on the grounds that the service had been supplied in the exercise of governmental authority, joint ventures to supply such service shall be allowed without limitation on foreign ownership 3 years after such access to private sector competition is allowed. Five years after those private sector services suppliers have been granted such access none. Foreign investors from ASEAN member states are allowed to provide technical testing and analysis services (including services related to component and quality testing).
  • Access to certain geographic areas may be restricted for national security reasons.

2. The law of Vietnam

  • In the case of services provided in order to exercise authority of the Government, foreign investors may only be provided in the form of a joint venture after three years or in other forms after five years, as from the date on which the private enterprise is permitted to conduct business in such services.
  • The provision of services of technical checks and analysis shall be restricted in geographical locations as determined by the competent body for reasons of national defense and security.