Audiovisual services

Motion picture production (CPC 96112), excluding video tape

Legal basis:


– Law amending and supplementing a Number of Articles of the Cinematography Law of the National Assembly dated 18 June 2009 on.

Investment conditions:


a) Ratio of foreign investors; ownership in charter capital of a business organization: not exceeding 51%.

b) Form of investment: Joint-venture, BCC.

c) Vietnamese parties participating in the investment: shall be authorized to provide motion picture production in Vietnam by a competent state agency.

2. The law of Vietnam:

a) Form of investment: Joint-venture, BCC.

b) Vietnamese parties participating in the investment: shall have motion picture production function.

Motion picture distribution (CPC 96113), excluding video tape

Legal basis:


– Law on Cinematography of the National Assembly dated 29 June 2006.

– Law amending and supplementing a Number of Articles of the Cinematography Law of the National Assembly dated 18 June 2009 on.

– Decree 54/2010/NĐ-CP  dated 21 May 2010.

Investment conditions:


a) Ratio of foreign investors; ownership in charter capital of a business organization: not exceeding 51%.

b) Form of investment: Joint-venture, BCC.

c) Vietnamese parties participating in the investment: shall be authorized to provide motion picture production in Vietnam by a competent state agency.

2. The law of Vietnam: Film distribution enterprises and other enterprises having business registration for film import and export business must have cinemas to disseminate films.

Motion picture projection service (CPC 96121)

Legal basis: WTO, FTAs, AFAS.

Investment conditions:


a) Ratio of foreign investors; ownership in charter capital of a business organization: not exceeding 51%.

b) Form of investment: Joint-venture, BCC.

c) Vietnamese parties participating in the investment: shall be authorized to provide motion picture production in Vietnam by a competent state agency.

d) Other conditions: Foreign investors are not allowed to form joint-venture or make BCC with Vietnam’s houses of culture, film projection place, public cinema clubs and societies and mobile projection teams.

2. The law of Vietnam: No regulation on investment conditions applied to foreign investors.

Radio and television services (CPC 9613)

Legal basis: The Vietnam – Japan BIT.

Investment conditions:

1. WTO, FTAs: not included in The Schedule.

2. The Vietnam – Japan BIT: States monopolize radio and television activities. States will not issue investment registration certificate to foreign individuals and investors.

3. The law of Vietnam: No regulation on investment conditions applied to foreign investors.